b"Sponsored by The Buffalo Chip in Cave CreekEasy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 3, Book 4 AMERICAN INDIAN WARSSudoku #2Crossword Sudoku 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 137 9 2 4 14 15 1617 21 18 22 23 192 3 1 5 Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for it. 20 24 25 265 8 9 2 27 28 29 30 31 39 32 33 34 35 366 2 1 4 37 38 4041 42 43 47 44 488 2 7 9 45 4649 50 51 52 534 8 9 6 58 59 60 61 54 55 62 56 63 57 64 65 666 5 4 3 67 68 69 704 7 1 5 71 72 7374 75 762 6 8 7 2013 KrazyDad.com AMERICAN INDIAN WARSFill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and eachAMERICAN INDIAN WARSAMERICAN INDIAN WARS Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9. ACROSS DOWN 39Meal listings3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9. 46Xe48Killed in action 42Central nervous system If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork. ACROSS 1Pedestal part 46Xe 44Undo the lacesIf you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork. 1Perth slang for word mate49Throat part5Right angle to a ships 52Fine dirt 47Fish hawks2Locationlength 48Killed in action 50Computer makersNeed a little help?The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. 53Wily3Record1Pedestal part 54Item required to launch an 51Chopped offCowboy Comics 10Tub spread 4Formal declarationsUse it to identify the next square you should solve.Or use the answers page 14Opera solo 49Throat part 55Make clothif you really get stuck. arrow5Blame for wrongdoing15Dried coconut 56__ and span (very clean)5Right angle to a ships 52Fine dirt 57Divided6Constrictor snake16South American country 58Newly improved7Heroic 58Inclined plane17Take a break 63Depends onlength 18Hiker's trail marker 53Wily 59Water pitcher8Shaft launched from a bow67Absent without leave9Way of acting 60Ballot10Tub spread 68VCR button 61Beers19Car rental agency 54Item required to launch an10Opaque gem20Palace of the former rulers 70Advance11Brand of denim jeans 62Cowboy fight14Opera solo of Bavaria 71Dole out 64Doing nothing22Open clash between two 72All arrow12Norse name meaning everor eternal ruler 65Self-esteems15Dried coconut 73Dud 66September (abbr.)opposing groups 56__ and span (very clean)13Remove from office24Talk back 74President (abbr.)21Express disgust 69__ Lanka16South American country 58Newly improved26Newly ___, Nearly Dead 75Cafes23Those who make the food27Past 76Experiment30Sudden short attack laws (abbr.)17Take a break 63Depends on32Farmer 25American indian18Hiker's trail marker 67Absent without leave37Attack 27Large wide scarf38Unhappiness 28Contraption19Car rental agency 68VCR button40What you are called 29Pacific, for example41Slavonic language 31Pampered20Palace of the former rulers 70Advance43North American Indian 33LodgeAMERICAN INDIAN WARS 34Tackles the quarterback44Take off the lidof Bavaria 71Dole out45Asian nation AMERICAN INDIAN WARS35Electronic communicationACROSS 46Xe 36Give back all of the money22Open clash between two 72AllDOWN48Killed in action 39Meal listings1Pedestal part 49Throat part 42Central nervous systemopposing groups 73Dud5Right angle to a ships 52Fine dirt 44Undo the laces1Perth slang for word matelength 53Wily 47Fish hawks2Location24Talk back 54Item required to launch an 74President (abbr.)10Tub spread 3Record 50Computer makers14Opera solo arrow 51Chopped off4Formal declarations26Newly ___, Nearly Dead 75Cafes15Dried coconut 56__ and span (very clean) 55Make cloth5Blame for wrongdoing16South American country 58Newly improved 57Divided27Past 6Constrictor snake 76Experiment17Take a break 63Depends on7Heroic 58Inclined plane18Hiker's trail marker 67Absent without leave30Sudden short attack 59Water pitcher8Shaft launched from a bow19Car rental agency 68VCR button9Way of acting 60Ballot32Farmer 10Opaque gem 61Beers20Palace of the former rulers 70Advanceof Bavaria 71Dole out11Brand of denim jeans 62Cowboy fight37Attack 12Norse name meaning ever 64Doing nothing22Open clash between two 72Allopposing groups 73Dudor eternal ruler 65Self-esteemsHooves & Horns by A.W. Erwin 38Unhappiness 66September (abbr.)24Talk back 74President (abbr.)13Remove from office26Newly ___, Nearly Dead 75Cafes21Express disgust 69__ Lanka40What you are calledPuzzle Solutions on page 64 27Past 76Experiment30Sudden short attack 23Those who make the food32Farmer laws (abbr.)41Slavonic language37Attack 25American indian 48 November 2019 38Unhappiness 27Large wide scarf43North American Indian40What you are called 28Contraption44Take off the lid41Slavonic language 29Pacific, for example43North American Indian 31Pampered45Asian nation44Take off the lid 33Lodge45Asian nation 34Tackles the quarterback35Electronic communication36Give back all of the money"