b'The Bottom LineThe Red ZoneBy Mark Melkowski602-793-6493 or mark@eagleadvisorygroup.comI n football, the Red Zonesequence of returns matter? Because is the area of the fieldit will dictate how you will manage between the 20-yardyour withdrawals in retirement. line and the end zone. The Red Zone has no official meaning in the game, but not performing in the RedSecond is the volatility when Zone can make or break the game or the season.retirees withdraw funds from their portfolio. They may In retirement there is a Red Zone that most peoplebe selling in a low market do not pay attention too, or even know exists. Theand they run the risk of losing money on theirinterest rates continue to go down or stay downRed Zone in retirement can make or break how youinvestment. During the retirement Red Zone, youthis will cause limited options for safe growth inlive in your retirement years and understanding theneed to be very aware of how the market fluctuates,their portfolios. Red Zone may be one of the most important areas ofbecause this can make a huge difference in your retirement you need to pay attention to. The Red Zoneretirement income. So, to face the challenge in the retirement Red Zone, in retirement is usually the five years before retirementretirees and pre-retirees need to take the time to make and the five years after retirement has begun. Third and one of the least examined is the interestsure their portfolios and income solutions are well-rate risk. In the United States, we are currentlypositioned. There are some fixes that you can take There are some key issues that should be well plannedexperiencing the possibility of negative yields on USadvantage of, however if you do not address these out and understood when approaching the Red ZoneTreasuries. Retirees have never had to face an interestissues, you may lose opportunity value. and during the critical 10-year time frame.rate environment like the one we are entering. This First is the sequence of returns or sequence of returnscould cause retirees traditional retirement strategiesThe key is to prepare to enter the Red Zone and do all risk. Some retirees may have never heard of theseto be thrown into the wind, since generating incomeyou can so that when you do enter it, you are set up to or never really had to worry about them until theyfrom interest-bearing investments like bonds will bescore during your retirement. The cost of waiting will entered the Red Zone of retirement. Why does thea challenge in this low-interest-rate environment. Ifaffect your ability to score inside the Red Zone. JOIN REAL COUNTRY EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FOR LIVE COUNTRY AT STATE 48 BREWERY FUNK HOUSE AT WESTGATE!NOV. 2ndREAL COUNTRYSHOLLY JONOV. 9thROB WESTNOV. 16thHOLLYWOOD YATESNOV. 23rdCHAD FREEMAN & REDLINENOV. 30thJOSH ROYTHE FUN STARTS AT 8PM / MORE INFO CALL 623-877-444840 November 2019'