b"Veterans Day EventsAround ArizonaE very November we set aside time toalign as the sun shines through the five pillars' commemorate our military veterans for theellipses to cast a solar spotlight on the Great Seal sacrifices they made and the danger they facedof the United States. OnLineAtAnthem.com on our behalf. Beyond a fervent thank you to theveterans in our lives there are events, from paradesGILBERT VETERANS DAY CEREMONYto ceremonies, to honor former military members. Patriotic music, guest speakers, refreshments. Thursday, November 7th at 11:30 am. DAISY MOUNTAIN VETERANS PARADE GilbertAZ.govAnthem hosts one of the larger parades, featuring more than 100 entries from floats to marchingGOODYEAR VETERANS DAY TRIBUTEbands and military vehicles to a wide range ofA ceremony featuring military displays and publicCITY OF PRESCOTT VETERANS patriotic groups. The Grand Marshals will beperformances along with an interactive flagDAY PARADEall Submariners, with the Arizona Submarinegarden, mobile museum, and flyover.2 to 4 pm onOpening ceremony at 10:30 am at Cortez St. and Veterans. Begins at 10 am on November 9th.November 11th. GoodyearAZ.gov Union St.Parade begins at 11 am. 928-777-1100.DaisyMtnVets.org Prescott-AZ.gov20TH ANNUAL VETERANS DAY GOURD DANCE EAST VALLEY VETERANS PARADE Native American ceremonial dance, art, andTEAM RWB VETERANS DAY RUN 2019Patriotic floats, marching bands, a range of militaryculture. Gourd dancing is conducted by the10K, 5K and 1-mile run/walk presented by First vehicles and the signature Fallen Soldier Memorial,Arizona Territory Gourd Society, a non-profit groupSolarSunday, November 10, Kiwanis Park, plus fly-overs by vintage WWII planes. This yearof American Indian United States War VeteransTempe. StartlineRacing.comthe theme will be Commemorate and Celebrateand their families who celebrate and support the paying tribute to two significant mile markers inlocal Arizona veteran community. November 11thVETERANS DAY CEREMONY & FITNESS FUN RUNVeterans Day Ceremony and 5K Fitness Fun Run/Walk. Estrella Mountain Community College, Avondale Campus. Warriors Breakfast. 7:45 to 10 am. EstrellaMountain.edu19TH ANNUAL VETERANS DAY WEEKEND TRADITIONAL POW WOW Celebrates Native American heritage and honors the contributions of all U.S. veterans. This event features colorful regalia, dancing, East Valley Veterans Parade music, Native arts and crafts, kids activities, artist demonstrations, and food trucks. ASU West. 11 am history. Commemorating 75 years since D-Day, andfrom 11 am to 4 pm at Pueblo Grande Museum.to 10 pm. on November 9th. 602-543-5300celebrating the 100th year of observing Veterans602-495-0901. Phoenix.govDay, established in 1919 as Armistice Day. BeginsCALGARY COMMITTEE VETERANS/at 11 am on November 11th. EVVP.org VETERANS DAY 2019 MCCORMICK- REMEMBRANCE DAY BREAKFASTSTILLMAN RAILROAD PARK To honor veterans and the long-standing PHOENIX VETERANS DAY PARADEScheduled keynote speaker: Senator Martharelationship between the US and Canada. 3TVs More than 45,000 spectators will line the streetsMcSally, United States Air Force (USAF) combatScott Pasmore will MC a program to include of downtown Phoenix to watch 2,500 participantsveteran and Arizonas junior United States Senator.music, the Missing Man/Fallen Man Table, vintage pass with floats, military vehicles, marching bands,Special guest speaker: Army veteran JB Spisso,aircraft flyby and more! Breakfast FREE for all and a WWII plane fly-over. Begins at 11 am onserved 26 years, including 10 years in Specialveterans. Deer Valley Airport. 8 to 10:30 am. on November 11th. HonoringAmericanVeterans.org Operations with the elite 75th Ranger Regiment.November 9th.The free program runs from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on TEMPE VETERANS DAY PARADE November 11. The RailRoadPark.com 11TH ANNUAL VETERANS DAY HONORStand along Mill Ave to watch the parade roll pastJoin the Town of Carefree for the 11th Annual with classic cars, muscle cars, marching bands, aVeterans Day Honor, featuring color guard, first responders, and other groups. AAnthem Veterans Memorialan honor guard presentation and ceremony follows in the park. Begins at 8 am onAnniversary Celebration patriotic musical tribute. Admission is November 11th. Tempe.gov FREE. 3 to 5 pm. on November 11th. VisitCarefree.orgSURPRISE VETERANS DAY PARADE& PANCAKE BREAKFASTVETERANS DAY CHARITY This parade features more than 75 entries3 MILERCAREFREEincluding marching bands and patriotic groups.Walk, run or stroll in beautiful Enjoy a pancake breakfast prior to the paradeCarefree for one mile or on a from 7:30 to 9:30 am. Parade begins at 10 am.three-mile course. This event will SurpriseAZ.gov support veterans in need and bring awareness to the food insecurities ANTHEM VETERANS MEMORIALin Arizona. The entire family is ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION welcome including dog! Bring a 70-minute ceremony with live musical performancenon-perishable food item to donate and a four-plane F-16 fly-over. Once a year, at 11:11on November 9th. 9 am start. every November 11th, the monuments shadowsattveterans.org/raceArizonaRealCountry.com November 2019 43"