b'By Jim Olson,WesternTradingPost.comI make you pay more receive questions and comments from auction bidders on a regular basis. Why didnt I get the item I was trying to bid on? Why did someone else get it for theout of meanness. Yes, same amount I bid? I would have paid that for it! Along with dozens of others. there are people like Nobody in Arizonathat at most auctions.I have been around auctions my entire life, having participated as both a buyer and a Sells or Services seller. Originally starting off as general help at a livestock auction when I was young,Bid only as necessary then graduating to working as a ring man, and now I am a licensed auctioneer andwhen you are outbid. More RV Tiresowner of an auction company. I have seen a little bit of everything when it comes to anIf you are not sure auction and the nuances involved. who has the bid,Than Firebird Tire. One thing for sure, the auction world has changed a lot since the introduction of thejust ask. Point towards yourself in internet in the last couple of decades. Nowadays, there are more folks participating ina questioning manner and either the ring man or auctioneer will see you and affirm online auctions than at live events. I will address various forms of bidding here withwhether you have the bid or not at that moment. Raise your hand in a steady manner, the hope you can gain some useful tidbit which can be used to your advantage whenand only when it is your turn. That is the best way. All of the various games playedWe Offer Mobilebidding at an auction. generally have no bearing on the end result anyway. Items are going to bring what they are going to bring (within a few dollars) whether you are messing with the auctioneer Tire Service. First off, some basics. Most of you probably already know this, but lets go over the waysand other bidders or not. All you accomplish when playing games is to alienate others.to bid. There is live bidding, phone bidding, absentee bidding, proxy bidding and online there is live and absentee bidding. Now, live bidding is just that, you are sitting in theWhen bidding on the phone, the same applies as above. Also, make sure you have a crowd in front of an auctioneer. Phone bidding is when you are on the phone with agood connection and speak loudly. The auction staff on the other end has a lot going onWe proudly sell representative from the auction house and telling them what to bid as the auctioneerand it is loud, so do not make it hard for them to understand or hear you. Be punctual. sells the item. Absentee bidding is when you leave a max or maximum bid you areKnow when the item(s) you are interested in are going to sell (within a few minutes) willing to go up to, this can be done online, or through a representative of the auctionand be ready ahead of time. Most auctions will not wait more than a few moments to Pressure Pro house (or even by email). Proxy bidding is when you get someone else to bid on yourget a phone bidder on the line.behalf. With regard to the internet, you generally have the option to bid in real-time, as Tire Pressure the auction is taking place, or absentee as stated above. Absentee bidding is convenient and can generally be done in a couple of ways. One is to leave your maximum (or max) bid with the auction house ahead of time. The second Monitoring System The first rule of buying at an auction is to have a good idea of what you are bidding on.is to go online and do it yourself (where that is offered). When buyers tell me they Preview, preview, preview. If online, look closely at the pictures. Ask questions ahead ofreally want an item if it goes for a certain amount or less, I recommend leaving a max for RVs. time until you are comfortable. If you buy an item and it is not what you expected, it isbid ahead of time, unless you can be at the auction in person. Even if you are watching your own fault (except in the case of misrepresentation by the auction house or seller,the auction live on the internet, you are still at risk if trying to bid in real-time as theDually Valve which is another subject). Do not assume anything. Look the items over well and get aauction is happening. Too many things can go wrong. The internet lag time can be 2 pre-determined idea of the value in mind. You should always have a dollar amount into 5 seconds (depending on yours and the auction houses internet speeds and various We Have On-Sitemind and be willing to not go over that amount when bidding (unless it is a one of aother factors). If you really want an item and are bidding online, leave a max bid aheadHunter Loadforce Heave Duty Scales kind item or something you really, really want).of time. That way, the computer system will bid on your behalf as necessary. The system HD Balancer Now at Can Weigh Heavy Duty Alignments Find out what the Buyers premium, taxes and any other fees such as shipping andway for a bidder to say, If that goes for $____ or less, I want to own it. On most online Scales Th will not let you raise your own bid and does not start out at your max bid. It is a safe to 80,000 lbs.handling might be. Calculate that into the amount you are willing to pay. Those fees canbidding platforms such as iCollector or Invaluable, etc., the auctioneer has no way of On-Site for State-of-upxle! Ride Disturbance vary from auction to auction and from region to region, but pretty much any auctionknowing what your max bid is. The system hides that dollar amount. This assures the Per A Specializing in RV Tireis going to charge them in some manner or another. You should also know where theabsentee bidder that they will only pay as much as necessary to win the item unless the-Art RV Balance auctioneer is in the bidding process and what he is asking for in terms of the next dollarsomeone else bids higher than their max bid.Sales and Installationamount. It is your responsibility to know what lot they are on and what amount is being Diagnostic Testing. for Over 32 Years! asked for. Pay attention. Then be ready to bid up to the amount you had in mind. In the past, I have heard a few bidders complain about leaving absentee, max bids, directly with an auction house. Some say things like, every time I leave a max bid, Now, some pointers for various forms of bidding. When live bidding, bid visibly withthe item magically sells for my max bid, or I think the auctioneer uses my bid to run your card, paddle or hand. Sneak bids can easily be missed by the auction crew. Also,the price up, or a few other negative comments. Lets address that for a moment. First do not hesitate. There are people out there (I have even seen videos on the subject) whooff, there are definitely a few unscrupulous auctions that run people up if they know Bridgestone/Firestone/Yokohama/Sumitomo/Michelin/BFGoodrichcoach bidders to wait until the last minute, right before the auctioneer says SOLD,what you are willing to bid. But I would say that is the exception and not the norm. In to raise your hand and bid. There are several theories behind this and most do notthat case, you have two choices. First is to not deal with that auction house any longer. hold water. What this can be, however, is problematic for bidders. For one thing thePeriod. The second is to look at it this way; you were willing to give a certain amount auctioneer or ring man can miss your bid because they do not think you are interestedfor the item anyhow, so you got it for that amount. Great! Count it as a blessing that Request a Quote, View Our Coupons, and Read Our Reviews at: in this lot. Right or wrong, they tend to focus on the ones who have been bidding onyou won the item! That is a more positive outlook. But odds are, if the item went for that lot. Even if your strategy is to not show much excitement, at least raise your handyour max bid, or close to it, that is because there are others out there who also know the FIREBIRDTIRE.COM once or twice early on so you are on their radar. If you really want an item, do not waitvalue of the item and have put in bids similar to yours.till the last minute to bidit may be too late. Also, many auctioneers do not give a fair warning call. They ask for and take bids until they figure everyone is done bidding, andAside from a few places that may use your absentee bid in a self-serving manner, most then they drop the hammer. And even if they have been giving a fair warning call allauction houses are on the up-and-up. At our auctions, people leave absentee, max bids, day, it is not required. So if the auctioneer drops the hammer and you did not get yourwith us all the time. How we handle them is to assign them a bidder number and enter bid in because you were waiting, it is your own fault for missing out. You took that risk.them into the computer clerking system. That way, just as if an online bidder was to do 623-582-9212 Another side effect of using the strategy of always waiting till the last minute to bid isit, the system will bid on their behalf as necessary until they either win the item or it you can aggravate the auction crew and attendees. They realize you are playing gamesgoes beyond their max bid. Before computer automation, it was common to designate and trying to break up the flow of the auction. You will not receive any preferentialsomeone from the auction staff to proxy bid on their behalf. I have seen places where Family Owned Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-5:00pm treatment by aggravating folks.the auctioneer also has a list and will audibly call the absentee bids as others bid against them. All of these work. We prefer the computer system to do it, and then there is less Another thing I have seen which is not recommended is to raise your hand in the airroom for human error or shenanigans. As I said, the max bid left ahead of time is the and Operatedwhen you really want an item and just leave it up there. Some think this is smart if youbest way to get what you really want (short of attending live).22444 N. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85027 really want an item, just to make sure you get it, no matter what. The problem is, by Since 1986! letting everyone in the room know you want it, no matter the cost, you can wind upNow lets address some of the most common questions (concerns) presented by paying more than you should. Unscrupulous auctioneers and ring men may run you up.bidders. The most common one I get from online bidders is, I left a max bid of $_____ Take I-17 to Deer Valley Rd. Go East to 19th Ave.Also, there could be folks in the crowd who are ornery and will bid against you just tocontinued on page 26then North a half mile to SW 19th Ave. and WilliamsArizonaRealCountry.com November 2019 25'