b"From the Back OF THE BOXBy John SamsillYou can contact me directly at johnsamsillteamroping@gmail.com if you have any questionsor would like to schedule a clinic or a lesson.I school as I was at his house almost every day. Chances was roping at the World Series roping at Rancho Riomom was my sister's best friend when I was a boy so I at the beginning of Octoberhave known Phyllis for as long as I can remember. Nowhorsinaroundadventurescomthat Jack Fuller puts on eachChances kids are carrying on the family tradition in the year. If you havent gone to thisroping industry and doing a great job of it. roping you should put it on your list for next year. It is always a great roping andTanner Bryson is one of my favorite people in the world it is, at least for me, the kick off of the winter ropingsand we were able to reminisce about being on the road here in Wickenburg. I was talking to someone abouttogether. I first met Tanner when he was a young kid all the time I have spent in a roping arena since I wasand I was impressed even then at the talent he possessedthat I have given away and still have many tucked away five years old and the countless number of ropings Inot only with a rope but his horsemanship. I felt veryin a drawer and I have saddles in my shed but what I have gone to. When I had a little alone time I began tolucky to have roped and traveled with him. Scott Early ischerish the most are the memories and friendships I reflect on not only the ropings I have been to but all theanother guy I have known since I was young. It is alwayshave made over the years. The funny thing is that when people I have met roping. I sometimes take for granteda pleasure to see Scott at the ropings and catch up onI first started competing I kept track of everything I won how long I have known some of the friends I havelife. Scott could always rope really well but he decided toand I thought that was going to be what I would look made through roping.stay close to home and raise his family. Scott still ropesback on to judge whether I had had a successful career well and has raised a great family and Im so happy heor not. I now know that is not true. It is the friends and I went to high school with Jack Fuller and that was ais doing so great and is getting to enjoy his retirement.experiences I was able to have. These are the things that minute ago. Our lives have been interwoven for manyI was able to catch up with Bruce and Brooke Reidheadwill never leave me even though you cannot count them years. My granddaughter dates his nephew so it becomesthat weekend also. These two are the best married coupleor touch them. After Hunter Reaume came so close to a very small world sometimes. I had a conversation withI know. The three of us have had some of the best talkswinning the American Rodeo and the million dollars we Chance Kelton over that weekend about when we used towhile at the rodeos on many different subjects and Ihad a talk and I told him that his life was about to change rodeo together and how we didnt think they could havealways enjoy seeing them.but to be sure to take the time to look around and enjoy a roping or a rodeo without us. I have known the Keltonthe ride. He is a smart young man with a good head on family since I was ten years old. I went to school withThere are so many other people I could mention here.his shoulders so I knew I didnt have to tell him that but Chances uncle and his dad Willie was always a hero ofIt would take up most of this magazine let alone thisbeing as blessed as I have been by this sport I couldnt mine when I was young. After nearly fifty years I finallyarticle. I appreciate each of their friendships over thenot give him that advice. So, whatever your age, enjoy fessed up to Willie that his brother and I had taken hisyears. I guess what I am trying to say is that the peoplethe friends and experiences, theyll last you a lifetime. good head horse to a roping and never told Willie aboutI have met in this long career of mine are the true it. I sure was glad when he found it funny! After all,gifts I have received from the roping industry. I doUntil next time Ill see you at the back of the box. there is a reason I waited fifty years to tell him! Chancesnot know how much money I have won over the years grandfather was always great to me when I was in highbut I suspect its less than I have spent. I have buckles I would like to thank my sponsors: Usher Brand Silver and Saddlery,Fast Back Ropes, Omega Fields Supplements, SaddleRight Saddle Pads and Hassayampa Veterinary Services.teamropingjournalcomArizonaRealCountry.com November 2022 13"