b'Cowgirl With A PenA BATTLE IN YOUR HEADBy Naomi LoomisPlease follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @thecirclelranchVisit our website at thecirclelranch.com and send any comments to Loomis489@yahoo.com. I would love hearing from you.L et me ask you. Have youSee Yourself As A Warriorever had a battle withLet me say that again, we must see ourselves as yourself? Have you wonwarriors. We must tell ourselves that we can win. the battle in your head? Do you consider yourself aEvery day we have a constant battle(s) with ourselves. warrior? I can tell you one thing; I have been havingWe must realize that we are in control of our lives. It quite a few battles within my head. I have been reallyis not the world around us, our friends, our spouse, trying to win this battle. I want to be a warrior andor anything else in between. That means one simple I want those around me to win their battles as well.thing. This is your life, own it. Let your life shine. I am going to share some thoughts that I have beenWarriors do not blame themselves instead, they fight, working on. and they never give up.For sure this year I have learned that before youKnow Your True Selfconquer the external world, you must master theWhat makes you angry, sad, or fearful? How do you inner world of your mind. I have learned that somemake decisions? What is most important in your life? of these battles are bad. These battles have left meIf you want to win your inner battles, it is obvioushurting and I have questioned my faith. You see, thethat you must know your enemy.enemy lies not in the outside world. It is not money, people, or opportunity that is holding you back. It is us. It is the battlefield between our ears. It is that littleHave Zero Expectationsvoice saying you cannot do it, you will never reachOne of the biggest causes of inner conflict is that your goals, or you are not good enough. we have expectations that are too high. We expect a lot from our spouses, family members, friends, etc. Make sure your worst enemy doesnt live betweenbut that is not the way the world works. You do notLet Your Light Shine, AKA Believeyour own two ears. ~Laird Hamilton control people. You only control yourself. Havingin Yourselfhigh expectations only brings disappointment.How do you believe in yourself? Affirmations, says I have found that self-doubt creeps into our heads atInstead, expect nothing. Stop expecting that yourthe ignorant self-help guru aka life coach. Im the the weirdest moments and for me, it creeps in when Ifriends will always be there for you, you will alwaysbest. I am the best. Im the best. You also cannot say am at my weakest. It creeps up on me when I think Istay healthy or your family will always be with you. things like that to yourself if you do not believe it. have all my ducks in a row and then suddenly when ILying to yourself will not help. Lying to others will am not ready, I have a true inner battle going on: You Are Not Perfect: Accept It also not help. Work, practice, see results, and believe Never beat yourself up for making mistakes. We arein your abilities.Why? human. We make mistakes and that is okay. This is Is it really worth it? life. It is unpredictable. Sometimes it makes no sense.Stop Making AssumptionsI cannot do it. Sometimes it is not fair. Crap happens. When you tryNever make conclusions based on assumptions. You are not good enough. to be perfect, you are always at war with yourself. YouAlways look at facts. Dont have the facts? Do not are never at peace when you are trying to be perfect.make assumptions. Also, ignore conventional You see, I have been having a few of these battlesNothing is good enough. You will never get to enjoywisdom. Most stuff you hear and read around you is between my ears. I know that I am not the only one solife for what it is if you are always trying to be perfect. not true or very subjective. Avoid inner conflict by I wanted to share a few of my strategies for becominglooking at facts. Always.a warrior. I have been working on all of these. BeingDo Not Burn Yourself Outa warrior is something that I must work on every day.Always keep in mind that you are worth more whenNever Stop MovingDo not ever let up. I am telling you. you are at full strength. This is a super hard one forNo matter what you do, never stand still. Staying still me. Always remember that it is better to do a greatis the same as moving backward because life does not job at one job than it is to have ten jobs and do await. Mental toughness is created by always plowing crappy job at all of them. You might want to achieveforward and facing adversity head-on. You do not something so bad that you put all your energy intobecome mentally strong by ignoring your inner it. You work hard. Do not sleep. But here is the thing:troubles and looking at your social media feeds. No, You might win a hard-fought battle, but not the war.our battles are not fought on our phones. You fight by You see, do not burn out before you reach the end. looking in the mirror.Never Question Life Do Not Forget to PrayI get it. We work our butts off and nothing happens.Praying about the battle in your head is a necessary Maybe you do not see results and you ask, Whatand powerful step in becoming a warrior. The battles am I doing this for? No one reads your work. Nothat we fight with ourselves are very real. If we arm one cares. All these negative thoughts just open theourselves with Godly thoughts and strategies, we will floodgates. Never question life. Never think about it.win. We will be warriors. We cannot be defeated if we It is a discussion you will never win. It is best to avoidnever give up. this war.How do you win your battle(s) between your ears?I want to hear from you. 14 November 2022'