b'CHARITY OF THE MONTHHome To More Than 2,000 Children Since 1954T heir mission is to provide a loving, wholesome, Christian home for children who are separated from their parents and help them establish long-term relationships with stable parental figures, preparing them for success in adult life.Sunshine Acres provides emotional, social, physical, educational, and spiritual support for the children in their care, so they may learn to manage their own affairs along with maximizing the development of their potential, abilities, and interests. Their goal is to facilitate a childs ability to function within a community environment in a style that is both meaningful and purposeful to himself and the community.Sunshine Acres accepts children between the ages of 5 and 15 without regard to race, religion, or national origin. They are not a treatment facilitychildren admitted to their care mustHOLIDAY NEEDS:not have drug or alcohol dependencies, not be suicidal, and have no history Pumpkin, Apple &Double H Hat Company of sexual perpetration, arson, or otherspecializes in custom handmade serious criminal behaviors. ChildrenMixed Fruit Pies felted fur hats in various styles come to Sunshine Acres Childrensincluding western, gentlemen Home for a variety of reasons. Some Turkey Breast,and ladies hats. The shop is have parents in prison while others have a parent who is too ill to care forRaw, Boneless located in under the longhorn the child. The family could be homelessWe will custom build a hat toin Wickenburg. Jimmy the hat or the child has been living with Frenchs Fried Onions fit your unique style. Variousman (our Master Hatter) also offers hat cleaning, blocking and styles include hats for the grandparents who find it difficult to care Hawaiian Sweet Rolls Red Hat Society, western,total renovation. for their grandchildren. No matter what brings a child to their family, the child Chicken Brothgentlemens and ladies can stay as long as he or she needs ahats. We offer a variety of home, even through college. They do not(can or box) embellishments, including turn away children for financial reasonscustom inlays, for a unique hat and are licensed by the state of Arizona. custom designed for you.Sunshine Acres has a variety of enrichment programs. The Sunshine Acres Horse Program is an on-site, hands-on horseback riding lesson program in which the children and staff of Sunshine Acres are provided the opportunity to learn and improve their horsemanship skills. Run by a skilled team of equine professionals and dedicated volunteers, their barn is second to none in providing a safe and loving environment in which to learn and ensuring the most excellent care for their horse companions. Sunshine Acres is also proud to give children the opportunity to participate in their Livestock Show Team! This program is a nine-month commitment through which the children learn to raise lambs, goats, steers, and heifers. From karate to the choir, ASL to FIT, and flag football to off-campus jobs, their children learn to manage their time while balancing school and maintaining high academic standards.Sunshine Acres has two thrift stores and a boutique in the East Valley. They welcome your gently used donations. They rely on dedicated volunteers. No matter the time of year, they are happy to have a helping hand. From landscaping and painting to tutoring and helping out in the Boutique, they feature a myriad of ways for you to volunteer at Sunshine Acres. Please call 480-832-2540 or visit their website at SunshineAcres.org for details. ArizonaRealCountry.com November 2022 65'