b"Gene WilburnThe visitor center is located within Patagonia Lakeare exploring. For this reason, they have gated State Park. The fees for Patagonia Lake State Parkand locked the entrance. You need to reserve a include the use of Sonoita Creek State Naturaltime to explore and pick up keys from the Forest Area. The Sonoita Creek Park store is located inSupervisor's Office in Tucson. There are a limited the visitor center. Shirts, coffee mugs, coffee, birdnumber of availabilities per week to access the cave books, maps, and other merchandise producedso it is best to reserve well in advance of your trip. by Arizona State Parks and Trails are available520-388-8300to purchase. Permanent exhibits include a large three-dimensional model of the Natural Area withWINERIEStopographical contours, trails, and campsites, aFor anyone who thinks the idea of sipping local herbarium, a list of recently seen birds, severalwines while taking in the breathtaking, wide-open reptiles including a Gila monster, and a children'sscenery sounds like a perfect day, Sonoita, Arizona activity table. Also available for free are naturalis an ideal destination. The Sonoita, Arizona AVA history brochures, articles, publications, posters,(American Viticultural Area) is the first in the bird lists,Jr. Ranger activity booklets for children,state, established in 1984. Here are a few of the and local tourist information. Sonoita Creek Statetasting rooms and vineyards that continue to thrive Natural Area entrance gates are open from 4:30around the small village. a.m. to 5 p.m. AZStateParks.com/sonoita-creekArizona Hops and Vines: CAVE OF THE BELLS AZHopsAndVines.com, 301-237-6556, The Cave of the Bells is a fascinating and fragile3450 Highway 82 underground wilderness that appeals to visitorsAutumn Sage: AutumnSage.com, 602- 904-2120, who enjoy cave exploration. The cave is actually90 Elgin Roadfound in Sawmill Canyon in the foothills of theCallaghan: CallaghanVineyards.com, Santa Rita Mountains in the Coronado National520-455-5322, 336 Elgin RoadForest. The drive up is accessible via a dirt roadDeep Sky: DeepSkyVineyard.com, and you might need a four-wheel drive so be520-490-6170, 124 Elgin Roadprepared. The experience of exploring the cave isDos Cabezas Wine Works: DosCabezas.com, very impressive. Lake Tunnel is one of the most520-455-5141, 3248 Highway 82 Sonoita Vineyards: SonoitaVineyards.com, notable passages to get you there. This leadsFlying Leap: FlyingLeapVineyards.com,520-455-5893, 290 Elgin Canelo Roadthrough a large room and even an underground520-455-5499, 342 Elgin Road Sunset Ride: SunsetRide.com, lake. The cave actually gets warmer as you descend,Hannahs Hill: HannahsHill.com,520-600-7433, 3266Highway 82rather than getting cooler and the lake itself is 520-456-9000, 3989 Highway 82 The Meading Room: TheMeadingRoom.com, 76 degrees. Scientists feel this is heated by Kief-Joshua Vineyards: KJ-Vineyards.com,520-428-1170, 3470 Highway 82sources far below. 520-455-5582, 370 Elgin Road Twisted Union:Lightening Ridge: LightningRidgecellars.com,TwistedUnionWineCompany.com, Supplies that are recommended are a helmet,520-455-5383, 2368 Highway 83 520-455-5582, 370 Elgin Roada headlamp, an extra light source (in case yourLos Milics: LosMilicsVineyards.com,Wilhelm Family Vineyards: headlamp breaks or dies), and a light jacket for707-293-8480, 423 Upper Elgin WilhelmFamilyVineyards.com, temperature changes upon exiting the cave. HavingRancho Rossa Vineyards & Rescued520-455-9291, 21 Mountain Ranch Drive previous caving skills is also highly recommendedHearts Cellar: RanchoRossa.com, 520-455-0700, since youll find few resources here for accessing32 Cattle Ranch Lanevarious parts of the cave. Its helpful to bring a ropeRune Wines: RuneWines.com, and to have good knotting skills for the drops you480-570-5147, 3969 Highway 82will encounter.The cave is very fragile and some parts have actually been damaged, so it's very important to take great care when you ArizonaRealCountry.com November 2022 25"