b"Your Constitutional RightsBy Randy MillerDirector of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association for Arizona, 623-866-3544. exclusive right to regulate To learn more about our constitutions and your rights, contact me at Supremelawoftheland.com the alloy and value And in another sentence W e face so many threats tothe States, and consequently one of those intended by thehe again states alloy as our currency. So, it is the liberty and our nation fromConstitution to be placed under its protection. This isconstitutional design of within that it is a dauntingregarding the proposal for a national/central bank. our currency to be gold task to address them all. Todayand silver coin. Further, lets look at digital currency again. First, digital currencyCongress never faltered in their attempts and successes, inregarding anything but alloy or gold and silver as our is coming from both Congress and the president inestablishing a central bank. The first charter establishingcoin, Madison says; The extension of the prohibition cooperation if not direction, from the federal reserve,a central bank was December, 1812, and it lasted 20 years.to bills of credit must give pleasure to every citizenFull Line of theFencing Arizona foror big banks as well as their belief they need to competeIn 1832, President Jackson had a bill before him to extendFurther, the states are prohibited from printing bills of with the World Economic Forum; Clause Schwab. We allthe charter that he vetoed, saying: A bank of the Unitedcredit and the general government has no authority to do Highest Quality Products Over 50 Years! know how evil he is. Second, the executive order of theStates is in many respects convenient for the Governmentso, in fact it was discussed and rejected during debate. president, wants a central bank to control all transactions.and useful to the people. Entertaining this opinion,So, then how is digital currency any different?In analyzing all this, lets break it down in simple steps.and deeply impressed with the belief that some of the powers and privileges possessed by the existing bankSo, to recap, a central bank is not a delegated authority to In 1913 they signed the Federal Reserve Act. This is inare unauthorized by the Constitution, subversive of thethe federal government. The central bank is not controlled A Full-Service Residential & Commercial Fence Company direct violation of the constitution because the federalrights of the States, and dangerous to the liberties of theby Congress and is run by powerful banking cartels, government was never granted authority to institute apeople. He went on to state, among many other concerns,another violation of the constitution. And Congress central bank.Hamilton was always the one wanting tothat the shareholders of the bank are benefitting off theis restricted to coining money with gold and silver. institute a central bank. A bill was proposed and Thomasprivileges of government at the expense of the people.Additionally, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1, says no state At Elrod Fence Company, we understand the basic needJefferson addressed this quite specifically in an analysisWell, nothing has changed here today! shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender to protect your horses with the right height and style ofof the Constitution and powers granted to the federalin payment of debts We have allowed the government government. Due to a lack of space and time, lets get to the chase, shallto violate our rights by allowing it to take powers never fencing to guard against your animals jumping over, orwe?Any form of central bank is not a grant of authority,granted and develop unconstitutional administrative injuring themselves from contact with the wrong fence typeJefferson's Opinion on the Constitutionality of a Nationaland is separate from the office of the Treasury, which isentities designed to steal from the people and suppress our or material. Bank: 1791. In a summary of his breakdown of authoritiesan accounting and collecting of money through revenues,rights. Now, they want to implement digital currency granted, he said; The negative of the President is thepaying responsible debts and bills and I believe aand digital ID, neither of which is an authority granted Elrod Fence Company horse fences are strong, durable,shield provided by the Constitution to protect against thedistribution of funds to the various government agencies.and both are a complete annihilation of individual liberty, aesthetically beautiful, easy to clean and like any goodinvasions of the legislature: 1. The right of the Executive. 2.Additionally, in review of my past articles, Congressthe very purpose of government was instituted among wine they only get better with time. Our quality fencingOf the Judiciary. 3. Of the States and State legislatures. Theauthority is to coin money and determine the value. men to preserve and maintain. The question is what are is virtually maintenance free for years to come. 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Your Fence Company will help you find the best horseand maintenance organization. particular fence will be billed to your specifications and11-11-2211-12-22shading possibilities for your property and your budget. according to your budget.Our specialties include: horse fences, privacy fences,A Special Veterans Day Celebration to Honor Those Who Have ServedHORSE FENCINGThroughout the Phoenix, Arizona area, Elrod Fencearenas / corrals, view fences, round pens, dog runs, cat Company has been providing horse owners and boardersruns, shades, chain link, gates, wrought iron, RV gates,FEATURING: Keynote Addressbudget-friendly horse fences for many years. A horseRV shades, vinyl fence, pool fence, snake fences, woodMike Gloverfence not only keeps your horses in, but also keeps otherfences, rail fences, repairs and masonry work. Classes on Leadership, the Constitution, and humans and intruders away. Horse fencing is a majorClosing Concertcapital investment that should be carefully planned Our goal has alwaysDisaster Preparedness. Family Classes Including Archery before construction. been to meet11-12-22the needs of ourfor Kids, Many Great Vendors, and So Much More! Lee Greenwoodcustomers, while providing the highest quality custom gates and fence productsFlying E Ranchat competitive prices.WOOD/PRIVACY FENCING If you need a custom2801 W Wickenburg WayWood fencing and privacy fencing by Elrod Fence Companygate or fence, contact in Cave Creek/Phoenix, Arizona can majorly augment yourus today to build theWickenburg, AZ 85390home or business. plan of your dreams.480-595-7528elrodfenceaz.com Visit events.americancontingency.com for more detailsArizonaRealCountry.com November 2022 17"