b'Greetings fromSONOITACONSIDERED HIGH DESERT GRASSLAND, Sonoita is beautiful with rolling hills, lush grasslands, Arizona ash and oak trees, and colorful wildflowers. With summer temperatures in the high 80s and twenty inches of annual precipitation, youll be pleasantly surprised at the cool climate change as you climb out of the desert along scenic State Highway 83, just 45 minutes south of greater Tucson. This corner of the state is also known for birding opportunities. Scenic views and friendly locals are never hard to find and taking a breath and savoring the moment comes naturally.T he communities of Sonoita and Elginfilled two days for the whole family featuringSergey Yeliseevwere established in 1882 along the newlywestern music & entertainment, history & culture developed Santa Fe railroad running thedemonstrations, ranch life exhibits, 45-minute trail length of Sonoita Creek and extending between therides, kids activities, skilled artisans and speakers, towns of Benson and Nogales. The area was firsta silent auction, and food. Riders must be age 8 or settled almost a half-century earlier due to the vastolder and under must be accompanied by an adult. cattle ranching and mining potential. Spaces are limited and may not be available on the EMPIRE RANCH day of the event.Las Cienegas National Conservation Area is aChristmas at the Ranch takes place on Saturday, joint venture of the United States Bureau of LandDecember 11th from 10 am to 2 pm. Meet Santa, Management and the Empire Ranch Foundation.make and take cookies, enjoy local vendors, The foundations mission is to protect, restoreand a chuck wagon lunch will be available. and sustain the Empire Ranch historical buildingsDont forget the silent auction and goat yoga. and landscape as an outstanding western heritageEmpireRanchFoundation.org education center.SONOITA CREEK STATE Located in the heart of the conservation area is theNATURAL AREAEmpire Ranch Headquarters which is open fromThe park sits in a transitional zone between the sunrise until sunset. The visitor center is open toSonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. The result is a visitors during special events, volunteer work days,mix of animals and plants from both ecosystems and docent tours.that create a common oasis. Also containing a major portion of Sonoita Creek and the Coal Mine SpringLake and joins the Sonoita Creek Trail which meets The 21st annual Cowboy Festival will be held onwatersheds, this natural area is all about protectingthe New Mexico and Arizona Railroad Trail after November 5-6, 2022.Its a public event celebratingits assets. The park preserves endangered species andthe first creek crossing. Horses must stay in these Arizonas Western history and culture. Its a fun- historical relics through research efforts and low- designated sections. Other trails are not built to impact recreation. It is designated as an Importanthorse specifications and can be easily damaged Bird Area by the Audubon Society. If you are a birdby horse use. The Railroad Trail is a favorite of watcher you may hit the jackpot here. During springriders because it follows Sonoita Creek for almost migration, late January through early April, a guidedfive miles and is in shade in the summer months. bird walk of a few hours could bring over 60 speciesDepending on the water level, there are three creek to your attention. crossings. The Railroad Trail can also be accessed from Coatimundi Drive in Rio Rico.Twenty miles of trails for hiking and eight miles for horseback riding are available and youre likely toThree private back-country hike-in camping sites see wildlife on your journey. For 360 degrees of blueare available. The closest site is about 4 miles from sky and desert landscape, try the moderate Overlookthe trailhead. Six people maximum per site. There Trail. The New Mexico and Arizona Railroad Trailis a two-night maximum stay in Sonoita Creek follow the old railroad that once paralleled SonoitaState Natural Area. No horses overnight. There Creek from Patagonia to Rio Rico.are three tent pads and a steel fire ring at each site. Campfires are allowed in designated fire rings. Artifacts like culverts, spikes, and rails still remain.Dead and down wood may be gathered for fires, Most of the trails are fairly remote, so itll just bebut there may be fire restrictions in effect. Please you, the view, and the wildlife. The Horse Corralsecure your food since there are nimble-fingered Trail leads from a large parking area near Patagoniaringtails around.24 November 2022'