b'Running the RaceHorse Business 101By Betsy Lemaireon y howfastdouwannab@gmail.com,T P facebook.com/Willnunnp3,e youtube.com/user/howfastdouwannabh2nd Hand Store I injected him can safely say I have been in the horse business all 49 years of my life. I have seen a lot of good andthen tell them bad in the industry. I have seen folks be honest andthat. They We Collect & Deliverdishonest. I have sold horses for others, as they nowmay do some Your Merchandise refer to them as "clients." Ive been stiffed on manyvet work and commissions on horse deals that I put together when Ihave an even FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE had the buyer and they had the horse. It always amazesbetter horse 662 W. Wickenburg Wayme when someone does that. Like are we doing it forwhen they WickenburgOpen MondaySaturday free? Most consignors use their time and resources toget done with help someone sell a horse. Some consignors (and maybethem.Don\'t thepony2ndhandstore.com I shouldn\'t call them consignors but they are helpingsell a horse 928-231-2730928-232-2019 you and the general public sell their horses) go so far asthat has a We Carry Quality 2nd Handto try to put a horse in the right hands as well. They alsorecord for are the ones that the customer comes back to for help if125k, tell the & New Merchandise it doesn\'t work. It\'s hard to do that for free. Now, if I orbuyer you never injected them and then when the horse Your Home Furniture Supplies Store someone else uses their data base or name to representcomes up sore with a tiny tear somewhere in his foot Specializing in Appliances a horse in a sale they should be compensated. That\'s theyou tell the buyer, "Oh yeah, I told you I injected that." code of the West.You know dang good and well that you did not tell them Jane and Peter Kibble out of pure greed just so you could get the horse sold pony2ndhandstore@outlook.comThe new thing that is interesting to me is when buyersand money in your pocket. The horse is now ducking or sellers post on their Facebook page what they areoff in front of the barrels and the buyer is very unhappy. looking for and at the end of their post they say PM me.Hopefully some folks that do this will be convicted of Some folks don\'t PM (which means private message)wrong doing. I get it though; all I can do is take a stand they just get on your post and comment. The next thinghere. Put yourself in someone else\'s shoes.that happens always blows my mind. Joe Blow will get on there and try to sell them their horse instead of goingHere\'s the deal. if you injected that horse with a certain through you. They have no idea what the original personvet and then the buyer takes him to their vet for a pre-is posting about but they are now talking with your buyerpurchase exam, that vet has no idea that he was injected on your thread in the comments about what they haveand may very possibly pass him as sound. Meanwhile, to sell. Now don\'t get me wrong, I am a good ole gal butthe buyer is absolutely taking it in the shorts! I hate that just be respectful and message me directly. If you tellfor the buyer and I hate it for the horse. That horse does me you can\'t afford the commission then I might worknot deserve to be passed around to the next person while something out with you if you are the seller or I may tellthey try to do an Easter egg hunt to figure out what the you to pound sand but that should be my prerogative. Itheck is wrong with their horse after the cortisone has all has to do with respect, honesty and integrity.worn off. Sometimes people need to put themselves in someoneDon\'t get me wrong. I am not at all against injectingelse\'s shoes. They may possibly just be trying to put fooda horse if that\'s what needs to be done but be honest!on the table and run an honest business. Respect theJust tell the next guy what works and what they are code of the West here guys. Social media is an awesomegetting into with this horse purchase. You will sleep way to get things out there and to sell horses. Shoot,better at night and you will be able to look them in the there are people that I have never met that are barreleyes they next time you see them. Let\'s also throw a racers who connect with me when I put a post out therelittle grace their way since I know people sometimes like that. It can help all of us if we just be mindful andforget what they did to the horse but if you don\'t think about what we are doing before we do it. remember just say, "I think we did this if I remember correctly." Just be real. Now as far as when you sell a horse please be straight up with what he is. If you have injected that horse, thenThe good Book says to love your neighbor as yourself you dang well better tell the next guy what it takes toand I think that should sum this up. Be blessed my keep him sound, running, winning, or at least what youfriends and let\'s all try to step up our business practices think willsince it\'s a reflection on us and our families. Horse September 2022Volume 9Issue 11 FREEFREE help. If youBusiness 101 needs to be taught to the next generation. October 2022Volume 9Issue 12 have neverLet that responsibility fall on us. 33RD ANNUAL BETSY LEMAIRE BARREL HORSESFIESTA DE SEPTIEMBRESEPTEMBER 17, 2022WICKENBURG, ARIZONASalesTrainingLessons928-231-6184howfastdouwannab@gmail.comStudents, from left: Wickenburg High School Student Council Coy Bowser & Brisa Jimenez.Jim & Bobbi Jeen Olsons members Tiffany Willis, Photo: Julia Macias Brooks LU torO s Corner ALGIACollec E FNOSTAlan Rockman IAN HERO THE VABILL PICKETTAMERC IT SUPP Your #1 EquineENDAR 8/15/22 3:52 PMy Cookin LYSOURCE&CAL96.3 CountrSTRAGEORGE08-12 Wickenburg Chamber-AZ Real Country Sept cover.indd 1Shutterstock / Dennis Swena20 November 2022'